Check out my interactive web app that predicts energy demand here!
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Visualizing the relationship between energy demand and air temperature
Analysis in Python
The Data: The energy data, hosted on Kaggle, is from a regional transmission organization called PJM Interconnection LLC. Within PJM’s data, I selected the subset from Dayton Power and Light (DPL). The weather data is from NOAA. Here is a link to my Github page hosting the Google Colaboratory notebooks...
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Using the Kaggle API to Import Datasets into Google Colaboratory
This code works as of January 13th, 2020.
The first step is to create a Kaggle account and generate an API key. Once logged in, click on your profile picture in the top right and select My Account. Scroll down and click Create New API Token. This will prompt the download of a JSON file named kaggle.json containing...
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